Dirty psychedelic flower punks Black Lips are already a name on the filthy lips of hip-kids the world over but forthcoming single Veni Vidi Vici and album Good Bad Not Evil (both on Vice Records) look set to propel the band into the mainstream for the rest of us bozos to enjoy.
Recorded in their hometown of Atlanta at The Living Room studios aided by the bands friend Ed Rawls, Good Bad Not Evil ranges from psychedelic blues songs to outright pop hits like Katrina. The albums a fresh, exciting take on the wildest records of bands like 1960s Peruvian punk bands like Los Saicos, The Stones, 13th Floor Elevators and the raw pop exuberance of Cavern-era Beatles. Its probably the most out-there, funniest album youre going to hear all year. Dont sleep on it.
The Black Lips are Cole Alexander – Vocals & Guitar, Joe Bradley – Vocals & Drums, Jared Swilley – Vocals & Bass and Ian St. Pe Guitar. Come in and say hello.
Press Quotes It sounds like the most fun you can have with your clothes on Fused Magazine
To put bluntly, to not love this song with its esoteric, eccentric lilt; its narcotic slurs its sleazy, fuck your girlfriend so you hear her scream mosey is to be dead Base.Ad (Single of the Week Veni Vidi Vici)
A deep soul bass overlaid with the dirty, reverb-fuelled guitars of arrogant rocknroll. A conquering combo! Metro
Jesus Christ this really is brilliant
Snake-hipped, insidious and utterly fucking magnificent. NME
Their thick soupy broth of Country, rhythm n booze and bad-lad rock left the usually so-cool-it-hurts ATP crowd almost flickering smiles. Brilliant. Artrocker (ATP review)
They represent the underside of moustachioed Americana, and they are clearly enjoying themselves, like white trash rednecks on a shooting spree. Artrocker
Black Lips should be everyones favourite non-synth enhanced part band. And Good Bad Not Evil should be everyones favourite party record, of the last 12 months at least. Loud and Quiet
The ability to urinate in your own mouth doesnt necessarily lead to great albums, but theres more to Black Lips than merry micturation. NME
Black Lips are Johnny Cash for the noughties. NME
Such no-frills party punk-blues have been done to death, but these latest uncouth upstarts have tunes to burn
Black is back in fashion. The Observer
The tracks from Good Bad Not Evil gleam Plan B
Each tune was laced with enough pop hooks to let Good Bad Not Evil swing both ways, sounding simultaneously retro and original. Observer Music Monthly
So stacked with garage grit and Southern swagger its impossible not to warm to the idea and heartily do the timewarp
If you thought the The Strokes debut EP was the lo-fi retro Real Thing you obviously didnt count on this bunch of fucked up yet, conversely, clued up deperados. Rock Sound
This is undeniably catchy stuff. Short List
Rambunctious punky blues. The Mic
Their rawndirty rocknroll sounds like it was made by some bikers in a bootleg whisky factory in 1964, which makes a nice change from the usual knock-kneed indie weakness. Front Magazine
Psychedelic bluesy swamp rock with a hypnotically voodoo rhythm. The Sun
Mixing garages crude guitars and scratchy throated delivery with skewiff country, blues and psychedelia, their fourth studio album ignites with the same rapturous energy as the Sonics and the 13th Floor Elevators. The Guardian